Important information for Managers

It is important that all our managers promote a sense of pride and belonging in their teams, this is the best way to help players to stick to the rules and respect their team mates and other players. It is the responsibility of the Managers to ensure that all players, parents and spectators do the same. That means that you ensure that Respect is maintained at all times both on and off the pitch.

The FA’s Respect programme provides a series of tools for leagues, clubs, coaches, referees, players and parents from grassroots to elite football to ensure a safe, positive environment in which to enjoy the game. These tools include agreed Codes of Conduct

Codes of Conduct are mandatory for FA Charter Standard Clubs, and anyone contravening these will be subject to consequences. There is little point in having a set of rules if no action is taken if and when they’re broken.

There are Respect Codes of Conduct for: Young Players, Adult Players, Spectators and Parents/Carers, Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials, Match Officials,

Respect Codes of Conduct can be downloaded from The FA Web Site. www.The

Each Code explains that actions that will be taken if the Code is broken. Although the County FA or The FA will deal with cases of reported misconduct, clubs and leagues also have a role to play in dealing with poor behaviour from players, officials or spectators. This can range from education, mentoring, official warnings, suspension or even exclusion from the club or league.

Respect works by placing responsibility on individuals for their actions: break your Code, and bear the consequences. Each Respect Code of Conduct explains that action can and will be taken if the Code is broken. As a committee we will ensure everyone within the club (club members), whatever their role, has read, agreed and signed up to their relevant Code and understands the actions, which could be taken if Codes are broken, when new players, parents and managers join our club it is important that they are made aware of their responsibilities.

Social networking

The internet and social networking sites can be a very powerful tool and can be used in a very positive and rewarding way. However, it can also be open to misuse and abuse.

The club monitors the content of our website and social media. Managers should ensure that anything posted by them is in line with the safeguarding policy and Rules and Regulations of The Football Association.

Participants should be aware that comments made on such sites may be considered public comment, and that further to FA Rule E3, any comments which are deemed improper, bring the game into disrepute, or are threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting may lead to disciplinary action.

It is against FA rules to post comments that are or maybe conceived as; Offensive, Insulting Abusive Threatening , Racist, Discriminatory, Any other reference that may cause offense or harm to others

Any such comment made on club or league websites and/or social networking sites regarding officials may result in disciplinary action being taken in line with The FA’s Disciplinary policies and procedures.

Comments made on websites that are threatening abusive or racist could lead to legal action being taken against those responsible for posting or hosting them. Comments made may attract libel claims and legal action through the civil courts if they are untrue or defamatory.

Kick-off Times

The kick-off times are currently:

Mini Soccer and 9 v 9s: kick off times will be as per the published fixtures.

Youth football the following kick-off times apply:

10.30am for U13s and U14s

2.15pm for U15s, U16s and U17s. Times may be changed for mid-winter months and knock out cup matches.

Match Report Forms

A MATCH REPORT FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY BOTH TEAMS HOME AND AWAY BOTH teams must ensure that the Match Report Form is received by the Age Group Secretary fully completed by both teams, within THREE DAYS of the match being played. A Photo copy can be sent by e-mail or text on the day of the match or within 3 days by post Failure to do so or the submission of incomplete forms will result in a fine as set out in Appendix 1.

The form must be completed in block letters and must include the following information:-

Match Details- Age Group- Division/Competition Date- Final Score- Player Details Registration Number- Full Name- Number Goals Scored- Substitution Details, Name of Referee and Marks Awarded by both Teams

Incident Report Forms (printed on the back of match form) must be submitted stating the reason for the postponement. and any incidents that occur before, during or after the game reported on the Incident form and sent to the League Discipline Secretary

Assessment of Referee’s performance

Any club marking a referee poor or worse (50 or below) must submit a report to the Referees Secretary, within THREE days of the match, stating the reasons for giving such a low mark. Failure to do so may result in a fine as set out in Appendix 1.) The referees are requested to pass comments on the match in the space provided including comments on the state of the pitch (markings, nets corner flags etc.), reasons for late or early kick off (if applicable), number of cautions/dismissals, details of club officials / spectator conduct.

The mark awarded by a club must be based on the Referees overall performance. It is most important that the mark is awarded fairly and not based upon isolated or previous games. The Referee’s performance should be determined by the table below which should act as a guide for the overall mark which should fall within the mark range for each standard of performance.

Mark Range Comment

100-86 The referee demonstrated very accurate decision-making and controlled the game very well using management and communication skills effectively to add value to the game.

85-76 The referee demonstrated accurate decision-making and controlled the game well using management and communication skills to contribute positively to the game.

75-61 The referee demonstrated reasonably accurate decision-making and despite some shortcomings generally controlled the game well

60 and below the referee demonstrated shortcomings in the accuracy of decision-making and control which affected the game.

Referee Fees

Age Group Referee Fee Assistant Referees (if appointed by the League) these prices are accurate on the date of publication

U7s & U8s £7.00

U9s & U10s £10.00

U11s & U12s £22.00

U13s £30.00

U14s £30.00

U15s & U16s & U17s £34.00

Reporting Rules

Both Clubs shall provide the result of the match as soon after the match as possible as advised by the automated Full-Time system, they should also provide their referee mark to the age group secretary on the day of the match before 5pm. This includes notifying the Coordinator if a match is postponed or abandoned. The results of midweek matches must be reported to the appropriate Age Group Secretary within 24 hours of the final whistle. This also applies to ALL TEAMS involved in external competitions, whether home or away. Failure to do so will result in a fine (see Appendix 1).

Any team wishing to postpone a designated fixture must give notice of the postponement without delay to the relevant Fixtures Secretary, Referees Secretary, the Secretary of the opposing club, the match officials and the relevant Age Group Secretary by telephone (text messages are not acceptable) This requirement applies to all postponements including those due to the team being involved in an approved outside competitions and postponements due to the pitch being unplayable. Any team failing to comply with this rule will be liable to a fine of up to £25.

Postponement forms to be sent to the Fines Secretary within 3 days of the postponement

In addition any team cancelling or failing to fulfil a league fixture may (subject to Disciplinary Committee decision) be penalised by a deduction of three points and fined a maximum of £100 in line with the following:

Cancellation with no notice £100

Cancellation on the day of the fixture £50

Less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation £40

Less than 48 hours’ notice of cancellation £30

Cancellation after fixture has been confirmed £25

Less 7 days’ notice £20

Less than 14 days’ notice £15

Less than 21 days’ notice £10

Any other notice £10

All prices are accurate on the date of publication.

A team wishing to appeal against the penalty imposed for the postponement or non-fulfilment of a fixture must submit the basis for the appeal in writing to the General Secretary within seven days (excluding Sundays) of the date of the postponed or non-fulfilment including a detailed explanation of the reasons for the postponement or non-fulfilment. No appeal will be considered by the Management Committee unless the team appealing have deposited with the League Secretary a sum. This may be forfeit on whole or in part if the appeal is not upheld.

It should be noted that only in very exceptional circumstances are the Management Committee likely to uphold an appeal.

Child welfare

The FA Charter Standard League Programme: Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures

Brownhills Colts acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person who has been entrusted to its care and is committed to working to provide a safe environment for all members. A child or young person is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any Youth League football activity. We subscribe to The Football Association’s Safeguarding Children - Policy and Procedures and endorse and adopt the Policy Statement contained in that document.

The key principles of The FA Safeguarding Children Policy are that:

• The child’s welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration

• All children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation

• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

• Working in partnership with other organisations, children and young people and their parents/carers is essential.

We acknowledge that every child or young person who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from poor practice and abuse. Brownhills Colts recognises that this is the responsibility of every adult involved in our club.

Walsall Junior Youth Football League has a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. It is noted and accepted that The Football Associations Child Protection Regulation (see The FA Handbook) applies to everyone in football whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. This means whether you are a volunteer, match official, helper on club tours, football coach, club official or medical staff.

All current Brownhills Colts members with direct access to children and young people will be required to complete a DBS Enhanced Disclosure via The FA DBS Unit. If there are concerns regarding the appropriateness of an individual who is already involved or who has approached us to become part of The Youth League guidance will be sought from The Football Association. It is noted and accepted that The FA will consider the relevance and significance of the information obtained via The FA DBS Unit Enhanced DBS Disclosure and that all decisions will be made in the best interests of children and young people.

It is accepted that The FA aims to prevent people with a history of relevant and significant offending from having contact with children or young people and the opportunity to influence policies or practice with children or young people. This is to prevent direct sexual or physical harm to children and to minimize the risk of ‘grooming’ within football.

Brownhills Colts supports The FA’s Whistle blowing Policy*. Any adult or young person with concerns about a colleague can ‘whistle blow’ by contacting The FA Child Protection Team on 08449808200 Ex 4787, by writing to The FA Case Manager at The Football Association, or alternatively by going direct to the Police, Children’s Services or the NSPCC. Walsall Junior Youth League encourages everyone to know about it and utilize it if necessary.

Brownhills Colts has appointed a Welfare Officer in line with the FA’s role profile and required completion of the Safeguarding Children and Welfare Officers Workshop. The post holder will be involved with Welfare Officer training provided by The FA and/or CFA. The Welfare Officer is the first point of contact for all league committee members regarding concerns about the welfare of any child or young person. The Welfare Officer will liaise directly with the CFA Welfare Officer and will be familiar with the procedures for referring any concerns. They will also play a proactive role in increasing awareness of Respect, poor practice and abuse amongst CWO and their members and club committee members.

We acknowledge and endorse The FA’s identification of bullying as a category of abuse. Bullying of any kind is not acceptable at our league. If bullying does occur, all players or parents/carers should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly. Incidents need to be reported to the relevant CWO or YLWO or alternatively in cases of serious bullying we may contact the CFA Welfare Officer.

Respect codes of conduct for Players, Parents/ Spectators, Officials and Coaches have been implemented by Walsall Junior Youth Football League. In order to validate these Respect codes of conduct the league has clear actions it will take regarding repeated or serious misconduct at club level and acknowledges the possibility of potential sanctions which may be implemented by the CFA in more serious circumstances. All registering clubs will be required to adopt the Respect codes.

Reporting your concerns about the welfare of a child or young person:

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility if you are worried about a child it is important that you report your concerns – no action is not an option.

If you are worried about a child then you need to report your concerns to the Welfare officer.

If the issue is one of poor practice they will either: deal with the matter themselves or - seek advice from the County FA Welfare Officer.

If the concern is more serious – possible child abuse they will where possible contact the County FA Welfare Officer first, then immediately contact the Police or Children’s Services.

If the child needs immediate medical treatment take them to a hospital or call an ambulance and tell them this is a child protection concern. Let your County FA Welfare Officer know what action you have taken.

If at any time you are not able to contact your YLWO or the matter is serious then you can either: contact your County FA Welfare Officer directly or call The FA/NSPCC 24 hour Helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000 or contact the Police or Children’s Services.

Further advice on Safeguarding Children matters can be obtained from:

FA Child Protection Team 0844 9808200

FA Case Manager: Wembley Stadium PO Box 1966 London

Your County Football Association’s Welfare Officer

The FA Safeguarding Children enquiry line : 0845 210 8080

Emailing – [email protected]

Postal address: Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London, SW1P 9EQT +44 (0) 844 980 8200 # 4895 | F +44 (0) 20 8782 6718 [email protected], www.TheFA